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Founded in 1995 in New Zealand, icebreaker pioneered the ethical and sustainable production of natural performance apparel. icebreaker continues to challenge the status quo while championing natural, transparent, and responsible ways to do business.

As of today, 96.14% of icebreaker’s total fibre composition is merino wool or plant based. This year the company will continue to research and develop bio based alternatives for elastane, nylon and polyester. icebreaker looks to nature for the answers and for innovative ways to do more with less. Working with what nature provides and adapting as nature does, icebreaker enables consumers to join a movement towards choosing natural and preserving our planet for generations to come

Sustainability isn’t just a feature of our products, it’s in the values and design of our business

  Each and every icebreaker item is Think Green certified, our promise that your purchase is a sustainable choice.

More about Icebreaker


We lead a movement towards a more natural way of living by taking unnecessary plastic out of performance apparel. Driven by the belief that nature has the solutions, we provide natural performance alternatives to synthetic based apparel to create a healthier more sustainable future for our species and the planet.

Natural Innovations

Fibres by nature. Innovations by icebreaker. A collection of natural fibre innovations that breathe, move and work in symbiosis with your skin.


We explore the relationship between people and nature. It’s about kinship, not conquering. Nature is our hero.

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